Members Arise!
Now is the time to continue signing up for and giving Pathway speeches at every opportunity. Give your club credit for providing you with the platform to grow. Giving speeches is not the only growth curve you are on. Let’s not forget those Leadership skills. Now is also the time to select that Club or District Office that you would like to serve in next program year. Pick the position and start shadowing the incumbent NOW! Step it up! Get your full return on Investment. As Bett Bollhoefer, DTM, PDD says: “It doesn’t co$t you extra to become a great leader.”
Prospective Club News
We just held a successful planning meeting for Time Travelers Toastmasters Club with a group of Toastmasters interested in getting this new club off the ground. While this meeting was designed as a planning meeting, our next meeting will present a peak into the future of our new club, showcasing member speeches and focused Table Topics. We will be including several ongoing meeting formats as the Club continues to evolve. The focus of this club will be on Family Stories and Family Research. To get meeting information contact us at We meet virtually every Thursday from 6:00pm-7:30pm PST (UTC-8). Join us…bring your friends!
Sally Philbin, DTM, DD