Club Digital Marketing Assessment

Is your club contact information current?

If it isn’t, then if you are a club officer follow this link to update:

  • Go to – login – leadership central – club central
  • Go to club contact information
  • Ensure that all the club contact information points to a current officer

If you are not currently an officer in your club contact any of your officers to make this change.

Is the phone number listed for your club current?

If the number listed on the website is outdated, then:

  • Go to – login – leadership central – club central
  • Go to club contact information
  • Input a phone number that is current

Does your club have a website?

If you are using Free Toast Host, login as admin, click on the left to launch Admin Console, in the drop down menu Website Settings select Email and Contact Settings, review all tabs to be sure they are current, pay special attention to the Contact Form to make sure the correct people are receiving emails. You can also create an alias here that includes the Club Pathways trio of President, Vice President of Education, and Secretary.  Then test these emails to make sure that the proper people are receiving email from the contact form addresses.

If your club doesn’t have a website, you can request one.

Does your website list that you are currently meeting online?

If you are meeting online, announce it on your website, so that potential guests know they can join you from their homes.  Login as the admin user and create a headline saying, “We now meet online! Contact us for a Zoom meeting link,” or equivalent phrasing in large bold font. You can also create a RSVP form in Google Forms for people to fill out.

If you meet online, how do potential guests find your Zoom link?

You may want to explain on your website how to get the link? Note: It is not recommended to post the Zoom link widely to the public.

Does your club have a Facebook page?

If you do have a Facebook page, ask all club members to Like and Follow it, as well as share events and post impressions of their Toastmasters club on their own pages. Also, is your club Facebook page updated about weekly meetings? Is your club’s Facebook page updated with general information like speaking tips and tricks? Leadership opportunities? Other value added items? Otherwise, make sure to create a Facebook page to let people know about your club.

Does your club use MeetUp? Is it updated periodically?

If you prefer not to customize your Meetup page, try keeping it up-to-date with recent events and announcements. Also encourage your club members to respond since Meetup will recommend your club to others based on its popularity.

Does you club have a LinkedIn group page? Do individual members talk about your club on their LinkedIn pages?

If yes, here are a couple of worthwhile links for your LinkedIn users to visit: