Meetup increases your club’s visibility and awareness about Toastmasters in the community, aligns community member interests with your club’s activities, and brings more guests to your meetings. Want to get your club on Meetup? Complete the signup sheet: Sign Up Here

Is It Free To Sign Up For Our Club?

YES! Toastmasters District 57 created a Meetup Pro group to help community members learn more about Toastmasters, and encourages district clubs to join this group and post club events without any cost.

What Is a Meetup?

Meetup is a social networking platform that allows you to find and join groups related to your personal interests.

How Do We Share Our Club Events?

In the District 57 Meetup group, a dedicated event page is created for your club to publish recurring meetings. Meetup group members who indicated interest in your club’s events will receive automatic notifications of your upcoming events. Meetup group members can RSVP to events, and the event host/organizer will receive email notifications.

You can also share your club events on other social media platforms such as Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Email.

How To Setup Meetup For Our Club?

Follow these steps:

  1. Join the District 57 master group ‘D57 Toastmasters – Clubs Meetup Group’ at
  2. Email so the D57 group admin can change your role to Event Organizer.
  3. After you are notified of the role change, create an event page for your club in the master group.

How To Create Meetup Club Event Page In The District 57 Toastmasters – Clubs Meetup Group?

Check out the Meetup Instructional Document on how to create club event page.

Does District 57 Provide Meetup Training?

YES! The District 57 PR Meet Team is offering weekly hands on workshop/training sessions in September. Please check out the district calendar for more info.

How to Stop Meetup Email Notifications?

Is Meetup cluttering your inbox? Check out the document to manage email settings.