High Performance Leadership Project

The High Performance Leadership (HPL) project is designed to give the leader a chance to put into practice the skills needed for leadership. It shows the leader where s/he lies in the spectrum of leadership skills. The strengths and weaknesses can be determined by conducting and participating in an HPL project.

The HPL can be any project chosen by the leader and his/her guidance committee. The criteria should be that it has some specific measurable goal or outcome that all can see that it has been attained. Also, the project should allow the leader a chance to lead others. This is the true measure of a leader – having others follow your direction and guidance because they want to and they believe in what you can accomplish with their help. The leader has a guidance committee that advises throughout the project and an action team that works together to accomplish/complete the project.

The action team could be a volunteer group of people within a school, church, community, association, organization or professional group like Toastmasters. The goal or mission could be any of the following: raising money for a purchase by the parent organization (e.g. school, church or civic organization); or building a public playground; or accomplish a specific task (Division Director, Area Director) or organize an event (TLI Chair, District Conference Chair) and many more projects that the public will benefit and allow you to apply your leadership and planning knowledge.

Serving as an Area or Division Director? Contact us to learn about the criteria to complete an HPL project.

Get Started

  • Purchase the High Performance Leadership Project.
  • Review the material in Section 1 and select a project.
  • Select your Guidance Committee and schedule your first presentation.
  • Write your mission statement and list the core values of your project.
  • Meet with the Guidance Committee and present Section 1 and 2 to the club.
  • Present your specific project to the club.

Begin Your Project

  • Recruit your Action Team, persons whom you will lead in accomplishing the project.
  • Create an action plan to achieve your mission.
  • Determine roles, goals and timetables for your project.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present Section 3 to the club.

Complete Your Project

  • Do the action items and oversee the team perform their tasks.
  • Deal with any issues and setbacks that occur.
  • Complete your goals and your mission.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present Section 4 to the club.

Analyze Your Results

  • Analyze the final results of your project.
  • Meet with your Guidance Committee and present your project results – put emphasis on what you learned about your leadership skills in doing the project.
  • Gather signatures on your HPL award documentation then submit to Toastmasters International categorized as Educational.