Distinguished Club Program
The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals for your club to obtain, using the Club Success Plan as your guide. To help keep track of your progress toward these goals throughout the year, updated reports are posted daily on the Toastmasters International website. At year-end, the number of goals the club achieved is calculated. Based on the goals met and whether or not the qualifying requirements have been met, the club may be recognized as Distinguished, Select Distinguished, or President’s Distinguished.
Qualifying Requirements
A qualifying requirement is a prerequisite or prior condition for participation in the program. If either qualifying requirement is not met, your club will not earn Distinguished recognition even if all of its goals are met. To be eligible for recognition, a club must be in good standing according to Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility (Section 4: Good Standing of Clubs), and must meet the qualifying requirement of having either 20 members or a net growth of at least five new, dual, or reinstating members as of June 30. Transfer and honorary members do not count toward the qualifying requirements.
The Membership to Date number is reflective of the number of members that have paid dues to an individual club. This number matches the number of members on the club roster with exception to when members transfer out of one club and into another. If a member transfers to a different club, their original club will still retain credit for their membership until the next renewal cycle.
Although your club may gain several new members throughout the year, if the amount of nonrenewing members is greater, then your club may not be eligible for recognition. Using the two examples below as a reference, your club must have the required number, or higher, on June 30.
Program Goals
- Four Level 1 awards achieved
- Two Level 2 awards achieved
- Two more Level 2 awards achieved
- Two Level 3 awards achieved
- One Level 4, Path Completion, or DTM award achieved
- One more Level 4, Path Completion, or DTM award achieved
- Four new, dual, or reinstating members
- Four more new, dual, or reinstating members
- A minimum of four club officer roles trained during each of the two training periods
- 10. On-time payment of membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) for one period and on-time submission of one club
officer list
Please contact our District Director if you have any questions.