Club Officer Roles
Each officer in a Toastmasters club plays a vital role in supporting both the club and its members. With several officer positions available, the responsibilities are distributed to ensure that the workload is balanced and that leadership opportunities are accessible to all club members.
Serving as an officer means overseeing specific tasks to ensure they are completed, but it’s important to remember that you are not expected to do the job alone. Officers are encouraged to delegate responsibilities and ask fellow members for help in fulfilling their duties.
Additionally, holding an officer role for at least twelve months fulfills a requirement for achieving the prestigious Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) recognition. Some clubs elect new officers every six months, while others hold elections annually. Semiannual terms are available only to clubs that meet weekly.
Preparing to Be a Club Officer
One of the most important steps in preparing for an officer role is attending a Club Officer Training session sponsored by the district. This training, which is key to helping your club achieve Distinguished Club status, provides valuable support.

Club Executive Team
The collective group of club officers is known as the Executive Team. The positions and their responsibilities are listed below:
The President is the chief executive officer of the club, responsible for overseeing its overall operation and ensuring that members’ educational and leadership needs are met. The President also serves on the Area Council, a group that helps clubs maintain a positive, supportive learning environment. Transferable Skills: Team Leadership, Strategic Planning, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Project Management, Time Management, Meeting Facilitation, and Coaching.
Vice President Education (VPE)
The VPE manages the club’s educational programs, ensuring that members make consistent progress toward their individual goals. This role includes organizing meeting schedules, tracking achievements, and assigning mentors to new members. The VPE also serves on the Area Council. Transferable Skills: Scheduling, Conflict Resolution, Event Planning, Recognition, Training, and Networking.
Vice President Membership (VPM)
The VPM focuses on maintaining and increasing club membership through retention and recruitment efforts. This officer manages membership records, tracks attendance, and submits membership reports to Toastmasters International. The VPM is also a member of the Area Council. Transferable Skills: Personnel Development, Customer Service, Marketing, and Campaign Planning.
Vice President Public Relations (VPPR)
The VPPR is responsible for managing the club’s public image, both internally and externally. This role involves creating and maintaining content for press releases, social media, newsletters, and the club website. Transferable Skills: Media Relations, Campaign Development, Journalism, and Event Promotion.
The Secretary handles all club record-keeping and correspondence. This officer maintains the club’s documents, such as the bylaws, membership records, and meeting minutes, and ensures that club operations run smoothly. Transferable Skills: Report Writing, Document Control, Event Coordination, and Research.
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the club’s finances, including dues collection and bill payments. This role ensures that the club remains financially healthy by tracking revenue and expenses. Transferable Skills: Budgeting, Revenue Forecasting, Money Management, and Policy Administration.
Sergeant at Arms (SAA)
The SAA ensures that meetings run smoothly by preparing the meeting room, managing materials, and greeting members and guests. The SAA is essentially the host of each meeting. Transferable Skills: Event Planning, Inventory Management, Customer Service, and Negotiation.
Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President provides guidance to the current officers, ensuring continuity in leadership. This officer also chairs the Nominating Committee and helps prepare the Club Success Plan, promoting efforts to achieve Distinguished Club status.