Do you want to help a D57 club reach its potential? There are many ways to do this as a Club Sponsor, Mentor, Coach, or Ambassador. You can find out what each job does and how each matches your skill set and interests to help D57 clubs excel. Sally Philbin, DTM, PQD, Past Club Extension...
November DECM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 845 5327 6660Passcode: 878296One tap mobile+16694449171,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US+12532050468,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US District Executive Committee members can learn the last information from the District Trio at the District Executive Committee Meeting (DECM): Incentives Club Growth Program Quality Finance PR News and information- and more! The District Executive Committee consists of the District Director,...
In the Excellent Meeting series, we will delve into the important aspects of conducting successful, captivating, and purposeful club meetings, which will help you to maintain and enhance your club membership. Every session will involve brainstorming and exchanging ideas with the group to enhance your overall learning experience. Register here on Eventbrite
District 57 is proud to offer this one-hour seminar on the details surrounding the TI Club Coach Test. Why do you care? Two reasons: 1. Being a Club Coach checks a box off your requirements list for earning your DTM. 2. Clubs throughout District 57 need your expertise to help them survive (no clubs/no District/no...
If you would like to gain the knowledge and learn the specifics to enhance your skills as a trainer, especially at TLI, Conferences, Professional Workshops, or other Training events Train-the-Trainer Event was born out of the necessity to create a qualified pool of trainers who felt comfortable with and could effectively train members and leaders...