Please note that the District 57 Event Calendar is now available to district clubs to post their events.
January 6, 2024 1:30 pm - Notice of Elections Process for 2024-2025 Term Details text - sent to prospective D57 members (2 or more years in Toastmasters)
Contest Training #2 - Contest Flow and Tech Host Tips - Register Here Contest Training #2 - The flow of contest and tech host tips Join us on Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM PST! This contest training will help Contest Chairs, Area and Division Directors plan and execute their International and Speech Evaluation...
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 845 5327 6660Passcode: 878296One tap mobile+16694449171,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US+12532050468,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US District Executive Committee members can learn the last information from the District Trio at the District Executive Committee Meeting (DECM): Incentives Club Growth Program Quality Finance PR News and information- and more! The District Executive Committee consists of the District Director, Program Quality Director,...
This is the first of the 2024 series of monthly workshops on the secrets of an excellent club meeting. Each session will include the core elements of an excellent meeting and then build on what was covered in the first 6months by adding new information. We've got more fabulous ideas to share and look forward...
D57 Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) It's that time again... all club officers and those interested in leadership should attend this training. Learn best practices that will support your club and member success in Toastmasters. Register Here
Division and Area Director training provides hands-on experience and dialogue with the job duties and District goals for the year for Divisions and Areas. At this mid year training you will be reenergized and reminded of the positive influence you are able to have beyond their club members, to an entire Area/Division. This training is...
Contest Training #3 - Contest Logistics: The Judging Process, Console and Google Forms Register Here Join us for Contest Training #3 - Logistics: Judging Process, Console, and Google Forms! This online event is designed to help Contest staff understand the judging process and the online tools and forms used.
Strong clubs have strong leaders! If you could not attend TLI or would like to get further tips, tools, and inspiration - this makeup training is where you want to be. Please remember that all club officers are encouraged to attend Club Officer training bi-annually and: You can add to your club's DCP success by...