Division B Clubs

Division B serves Antioch, Concord, Lafayette, Martinez, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek. Below is a list of the clubs.
Updated 1/12/2022
Division B Area Club number  Name
B 7 1809 Argonauts
B 7 894013 Swift Plaza Toastmasters
B 7 1448039 Red Umbrella Masters
B 7 3427556 CSAA Talkers
B 17 598 Diablo Toastmasters Club
B 17 2056 Early Words Toastmasters
B 17 596430 LaughLovers Comedy Club
B 17 795293 Tales & Tellers Toastmasters Club
B 21 400 Word Weavers Toastmasters Club #400
B 21 3972 Confidence Builders Club
B 21 6476 Toast Busters Toastmasters Club
B 21 6718 Talksics Toastmasters Club
B 27 4027 Diablo Champagne Breakfast Club
B 27 6814 Pittsburg Speakeasy
B 27 672973 Speech Masters Toastmasters Club
B 27 684665 Creating Communicators Toastmasters Club


Copy Division H Clubs_2020-2021

Division H serves Pleasanton and Livermore. Below is a map of the division by area and list of clubs.

Updated 1/12/2022
Division H  Area Club number  Name
H 5 2452 Amador Valley Toastmasters Club
H 5 2797 Microcentury Toastmasters Club
H 5 6591 Thunderbird Club
H 5 5154328 Trident Toastmasters
H 19 4582 Diamond Club
H 19 4762 Pleasanton Community Club
H 19 9338 Speakers Forum Club
H 28 1401 Speakeasies Club
H 28 4453 Hacienda Park Toastmasters Club
H 28 1341774 Speechmasters
H 28 1844967 SaaSMasters
H 34 2332 Chamber Chatters Club
H 34 3179353 Talk and Thrive
H 34 4961420 Tri-Valley Toastmasters

Division G Clubs

Division G serves Cloverdale, Eureka, Fort Bragg, Fortuna, Kelseyville, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol and Ukiah. Below is a list of clubs.
Updated 1/12/2022

Division G Area Club number  Name
G 10 2704 Arcata Toastmasters
G 10 5622 Ukiah Toastmasters
G 10 6561 Lunch-Bunch Toastmasters Club
G 10 8731 Tenacious Talkers Club
G 10 8886 Cloverdale Club
G 25 6627 Fountaingrove Club
G 25 1352866 Kaiser Communicators
G 25 4492387 Next Level Toastmasters
G 25 5434039 Toast Tronic
G 31 182 Santa Rosa Club
G 31 4069 Downtown Toastmasters
G 31 5708 Noon Toastmasters Club
G 31 1449647 The Daybreakers


Division H Clubs

Division H serves Pleasanton and Livermore. Below is a list of the clubs.

Updated 1/12/2022
Division H Area Club number  Name
H 5 2452 Amador Valley Toastmasters Club
H 5 2797 Microcentury Toastmasters Club
H 5 6591 Thunderbird Club
H 5 5154328 Trident Toastmasters
H 19 4582 Diamond Club
H 19 4762 Pleasanton Community Club
H 19 9338 Speakers Forum Club
H 28 1401 Speakeasies Club
H 28 4453 Hacienda Park Toastmasters Club
H 28 1341774 Speechmasters
H 28 1844967  SaaSMasters
H 34 2332 Chamber Chatters Club
H 34 3179353 Talk and Thrive
H 34 4961420 Tri-Valley Toastmasters

Division I Clubs

Division I serves Fremont, Newark, Union City and South Hayward. Below is a list of the clubs.
Updated 1/12/2022
Division I Area Club number  Name
I  13  682 Fantastic Toastmasters
I  13  1118 Newark Toastmasters Club
I  13  4657 T*Toasters Club
I  13 654714  Citizens for Better Communicators Club
I  13 5350671  Electric Toasters
I 29 2760 South Bay Toastmasters
I 29 9894 Seatoastmaster Club
I 29 595243 F.A.T. Toastmasters Club
I 29 1458900 Soaring Eagles
I 35 5067 Star Search Club
I 35  5269 Union City Toastmasters Club
I 35  1498 Digitalkers
I 35  3756371 City Speech Toastmasters
I  35 7451388 Fremont Heartfulness Toastmasters


2013-2014 District Leaders

Updated: 05/26/2014

Leadership Role Toastmaster Email
Immediate Past District Governor Paula Foster ipdg@d57tm.org
District Governor Jean Cunningham dg@d57tm.org
Lt Gov Education and Training Tod Henry lget@d57tm.org
Lt Gov Marketing Teri McDonald lgm@d57tm.org
Public Relations Officer Steve Taddei pro@d57tm.org
Web Team Leader Eddie Keator eddie.keator@gmail.com
Website – Staff Allison Fraser afraser.tm.d57@gmail.com
Website – Staff Vinella Garcia vgarcia.d57webstaff@yahoo.com
Website – Staff Lauren Rose Taylor lauren_rose@flash.net
Social Media Team Lead Steve Taddei staddei@ix.netcom.com
Mail Chimp Team Lead Ashley Tomas AshleyATomas@gmail.com
Google Hangout Team Lead Sean Adams sean@marketingonline.com
Advertising Team Lead Pam Thompson pamthompsonww@gmail.com
Audio/Visual Team Lead (opportunity – contact Jean Cunningham dg@d57tm.org)
Treasurer Robert Kaiser roberthkaiser@yahoo.com
Secretary Debra Butler you.llsee@yahoo.com
District Sergeant at Arms Joan Funkhouser jefunkh@sandia.gov
Assistant Sgt @ Arms Sharon Brown healthylife.brown@gmail.com
Assistant Sgt @ Arms (opportunity – contact Jean Cunningham dg@d57tm.org)
Backup – Asst. Sgt @ Arms Scott Cammauf cammauf1@llnl.gov
District Chairs
D57 Executive Assistant Lindy Sinclair lindy@lindysinclair.com
District Statistician George Marshall gdmarshall@gmail.com
District Parliamentarian Bill Woolfolk wbillww@hotmail.com
Club Extension Chair Gary Wong garycwong@aol.com
District OATM Chair Beatrice Stonebanks beatrice@stonebanks.net
District Mentor Chair Dilek Alkaya dilek.alkaya@yahoo.com
District Club Coach Chair Ashley Harkness AHarkn7825@aol.com
District Nominating Chair Paula Foster ipdg@d57tm.org
District TLI Dean 2013/2014 Margaret Austin TLI-Dean@d57tm.org
District TLI Dean 2013/2014 Randie Ellington TLI-Dean@d57tm.org
District Train the Trainer Chair Brandan Murphy bm8527@me.com
District AG-DG Training Chairs Eddie Keator / Tod Henry lget@d57tm.org
District HPL Chair Tyree Johnson johnson.tyree@gmail.com
District Awards chair Merci Del Rosario merci.delrosario@gmail.com
District DCP Chair Dennis Neary dnearytm@gmail.com
District Speechcraft Chair Diane Pleuss dpleuss@pacbell.net
District Youth Leadership Chair David Eglinsdoerfer dceglins@pacbell.net
District Contest Chair Kimberly Whitaker kwhitak@sandia.gov
Fall District Chief Judge Ashley Harkness AHarkn7825@aol.com
Spring District Chief Judge Lindy Sinclair lindy@lindysinclair.com
Fall Conf Co-chairs 2013 Vangie Ford and Werner Heisserer fallconference@d57tm.org
Spring Conf Co-chairs 2014 Paula Foster and Dilek Alkaya springconference@d57tm.org
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2013 Paula Foster pjf2qhca@yahoo.com
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2013 Brenda Belsher – promotion blbunney@sbcglobal.net
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2013 Joan Funkhouser – agenda & TM jefunkh@sandia.gov
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2013 Claudia Ramirez – regist/facility ceramirez9@gmail.com
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2014 Emily Lo EmmalyLo@Yahoo.com
Installation Dinner Co-chair 2014 Suzanne Conklin suzeconklin@yahoo.com
Division and Area Governors
Division A Gov Ylma Gutierrez ylma@fremontmaaco.com
Area A01 Gov Evangelina Ford nursingproviders@comcast.net
Area A02 Gov Eglute Martisiute meglute.tmi@gmail.com
Area A13 Gov Murthy Tanniru murthytvsn@yahoo.com
Area A22 Gov Lily Zhu lily_min_zhu@yahoo.com
Area A29 Gov Mary Verghese mary_verg@yahoo.com
Division B Gov Potts Cahill pottscahill@gmail.com
Area B06 Gov Chin Ming Yang chinming.yang@gmail.com
Area B07 Gov Michael Schwan schwanpm@cdmsmith.com
Area B17 Gov Crystal Bedford myphone0369@gmail.com
Area B21 Gov Pam Thompson pamthompsonww@gmail.com
Area B23 Gov Kevin Markl kevintmarkl@gmail.com
Area B27 Gov David Parks davidparks777@hotmail.com
Division C Gov Darlene Elko Club1441@gmail.com
Area C08 Gov Juni Abuda AreaC8D57@gmail.com
Area C09 Gov Matthew Brown matt@meridiancommercial.com
Area C24 Gov Valerie Field yourareagov@aol.com
Division D Gov Vinella Garcia vgarcia@ebmud.com
Area D03 Gov Beatrice Stonebanks beatrice@stonebanks.net
Area D12 Gov Virginia Pieters Virginia.Pieters@KP.org
Area D14 Gov Ed Cullen edcullen@earthlink.net
Area D26 Gov Sally Philbin sally.philbin@ucop.edu
Area D30 Gov Randie Ellington randie.ellington@gmail.com
Division E Gov Alan Marks myflobby@sbcglobal.net
Area E04 Gov Ralph Nelson taxhelp@financial-harmony.com
Area E15 Gov Jake Gardiner jwgardiner@hotmail.com
Area E18 Gov Beth Lacerna lacerna.beth@gmail.com
Division F Gov Werner Heisserer heisserer1068@att.net
Area F05 Gov Igor Tregub igor.tregub@nnsa.doe.gov
Area F16 Gov Joan Funkhouser jefunkh@sandia.gov
Area F19 Gov Gina Cefalu gina@ginacefalu.com
Area F20 Gov (C.J.) Cassandra Jessie-Johnson cassandrajohnsn@sbcglobal.net
Area F28 Gov Tjip Sugijoto tjipto@sugijoto.com
Area F 32 Gov Karrie Keegan karriekeegan@att.net
Division G Gov Sue Haun sue@strategiesbydesignco.com
Area G10 Gov Chad Boardman cboard140@gmail.com
Area G11 Gov Michael Kraft norcalmichaelkraft@gmail.com
Area G25 Gov Kathleen DePuydt kathleen.depuydt@kp.org
Area G31 Gov Nancy Smith therunninsmith@gmail.com

Recent Educational & Leadership Awards in District 57

See what your fellow District 57 Toastmasters are achieving this year!

The scripts that pull together the data below are created and maintained by George Marshall. There are more Tools for Toastmasters at www.marshalls.org/tmtools. Questions? Contact George at gdmarshall@gmail.com.

2013-2014 District Chair Definitions

It takes a (rather large) village to run a District, especially one that covers as many square miles as District 57. To serve 2500+ members and the 127 clubs they belong to, in cities that range from the SF East Bay all the way up the coast to the Oregon border, the District relies on a village of volunteers who help each other help YOU.

If you are ready to expand your horizons, your network, and your Toastmasters leadership and communication education, please consider volunteering to serve in the following chair positions, OR, volunteer to serve on their committees.

What’s in it for you? You will meet a lot of people who are as hungry for knowledge and the chance to stretch themselves in a new role as you are. Volunteering at the District level provides you more opportunities to give speeches for the speech manual, and do projects for leadership award credit, so you will earn your educational awards faster. Just like in your club, you’ll learn by doing with the guidance of more experienced Toastmasters. You’ll meet a lot of nice people, too!

Open positions as of July 27, 2013:

    • District Chief Judge – read more
    • Assistant District Sergeant at Arms – read more
    • Installation Dinner Co-chair 2014 (two positions)

Positions – Table of Contents

Click a shortcut below to read a job description for that chair position.

Position Descriptions

Area and Division Governor Training Chair

This chair coordinates and provides the training of all Area and Division Governors soon after they are elected or appointed, including:

  • Recruiting a team and selecting a central location for the training.
  • Notifying all new officers in PDF form of District Officers Handbook before the training
  • Assisting the District Governor in ordering handbooks on the district’s budget for the training.
  • Creating and printing desired handouts.
  • Maintaining records of those who attended, and following up with those officers who were not able to attend the main training so they may attend a make-up session.
  • Assisting with ongoing AG and DG training as needed by the DG.
  • Working with the Nominating Chair on the team that interviews and recommending to the Division Governor possible future District team members.

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Club Coach Chair

This chair works with the LGM to facilitate all coaching positions within the district, and is responsible for:

  • Evaluating qualifications for being a club coach.
  • Providing training for all club coaches and potential coaches.
  • Mentoring club coaches as needed.

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Club Extension Chair

This chair coordinates the start of new clubs, and is responsible for:

  • Developing a Club Charter Team (aka: demo team) to fulfill all roles at a charter demonstration.
  • Facilitating the chartering of new clubs by working with the sponsors to review the chartering forms for completion.
  • Coordinating with potential club internal champion, and bringing agenda and all materials necessary for the Charter meeting.
  • Soliciting and collecting TM magazines to use at these meetings.

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Conference Chair(s) – Fall Conference

This chair is responsible for the Fall Conference, to be held in November of the current Toastmasters year, including:

  • Creating the theme and ensuring it is consistent throughout all educational content and advertising.
  • Locating a facility to host the conference.
  • Obtaining, developing, and training a team of conference sub-chair positions, to organize, develop, create, plan, and execute a superior Fall Conference experience for our members.
  • Coordinating a keynote speaker.
  • Advertising the conference appropriately, to ensure that as many Toastmasters, (friends and family are also welcome) attend this event.
  • Supervising the Conference Education Chair in selecting appropriate and worthwhile trainings for the conference.

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Conference Chair(s) – Spring Conference

This chair is responsible for the Spring Conference, to be held in May of the current Toastmasters year, including:

  • Creating the theme and ensuring it is consistent throughout all educational content and advertising.
  • Locating a facility to host the conference.
  • Obtaining, developing, and training a team of conference sub-chair positions, to organize, develop, create, plan, and execute a superior Spring Conference experience for our members.
  • Coordinating a keynote speaker.
  • Advertising the conference appropriately, to ensure that as many Toastmasters, (friends and family are also welcome) attend this event.
  • Supervising the Conference Education Chair in selecting appropriate and worthwhile trainings for the conference.

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District Awards Chair

This chair is responsible for recognizing all educational achievements in the District, and for keeping lists updated for those being recognized at every district event. This greatly assists the district leaders to give credit to all members as deserved. This chairship can be done from your home computer.

District Budget Guru

This chair assists the current District Trio with creating and presenting the District budget to Toastmasters International. NOTE: you must have previously served as a District Governor to serve in this position.

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District Chief Judge

This chair is responsible for:

  • Providing training to all potential or actual judges of speech contests from the Area level through the District level.
  • Sending AG/DGs contest a PDF copy of the current Toastmasters International Contest Rulebook.
  • Selecting a location for and providing a Judges Training Workshop in the first quarter of the term.
  • Keeping the current list of available judges current, and submits updates to the district website and notifies all AGs and DGs.
  • Selecting a team of 14 judges (two from each division) for each District contest and ensures they review the online Judges Training during the year they serve.
  • Briefing the judges before each District contest and ensuring they have the necessary paperwork.
  • Overseeing the collection and counting of ballots and reporting the contest results to the Contest chair or Toastmaster.
  • Working with the District Contest Chair to ensure the district contests run smoothly.
  • Finding their replacement to ensure consistency in this position from year-to-year.

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District Contest Chair

This chair works to ensure the Fall and Spring Speech Contests are held within the guidelines set by Toastmasters International, and is responsible for:

  • Working with the District team to provide contest packets and awards for all area and division contests as well as the District Contest(s).
  • Keeping the Fall and Spring Conference Chairs, as well as the appropriate Program Chairs, apprised of ongoing updates.
  • Planning a Contest Training for the AGs and DGs at the July or August DECM.
  • Selecting and training a Toastmaster (master of ceremonies) for the actual district contests, and providing them with the appropriate contest scripts at least two weeks before the district contest.
  • Working with the District Chief Judge to ensure all contest rules are followed.
  • Gathering all the Division Contest(s) winners’ biography and certificate of eligibility from the Division Governors, and confirming with Toastmasters International that all contestants are eligible to compete in the District contests.
  • Providing the list of names for the District Contest agenda in time for printing.

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District DCP Chair

This chair focuses on the DCP reports monthly and works with the AGs, DGs, and the rest of the District team to improve the number of distinguished clubs in the district. Toastmasters International has recently evolved the requirements for Distinguished areas, divisions and districts to being more in line with the DCP program and the number of clubs who are distinguished.

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District Mentor

Mentoring is a key experience for any club, and this chair explores and promotes the concept of mentorship at the club level. Our team of mentors should be able to provide that experience with sincerity, competence, and grace. Responsibilities include:

  • Training and effectively equipping new Mentors to help newly sponsored clubs.
  • Assisting in developing great coaches for our struggling clubs.
  • Working with the HPL Chair to develop an HPL Guidance Team that practices effective mentorship.

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District Parliamentarian

This chair acts as an advisory to the District team for any motions requiring a vote and any other parliamentary procedures. This person also presents a training that will be made available electronically to the rest of the District.
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District Sergeant at Arms

Manages the on-site logistics of all District events, such as DECM, awards events, and the District Conference. Includes catering management, room setup/breakdown, audio-visual setup/breakdown, and other duties as assigned. You must be able to lift at least 25 pounds. This position requires the help of at least two assistants to ensure adequate coverage of all events.

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District Youth Leadership Chair

This chair is a consultation position. Any questions any member might have regarding the youth leadership program can be directed to this chair.

Responsible for:

  • Providing training during the year on how to conduct a youth leadership program.
  • Developing a new leader in the district to assume this position the following year.

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High Performance Leadership Chair

This chair is responsible for:

  • Serving as a resource for those leaders who are preparing for or executing their HPL Project.
  • Assisting in reviewing potential HPL projects and providing advice related to the project.
  • Coordinating training at least once per year, for any Toastmaster who will be embarking on their HPL project.

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Nominating Committee Chair

This chair heads the nominating committee of three to five persons to discover, tap into, and nurture our future leaders.

Responsible for:

  • Coordinating with the AD/DG Training Chair for training in identifying potential leaders when making club visits.
  • Coordinating and conducting the interviews of all potential candidates for any district position.
  • Presenting recommendations to the District Trio.

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Outstanding Toastmaster Member (OATM) Chair

This chair promotes, advertises, and advises about the OATM award to the district membership, including:

  • Conducting a training session about the OATM award at a district function and providing a video of this training to the District so it can be posted to YouTube and viewed by members and clubs.
  • Developing a team of three volunteers who review award applications and confirming details, then informing the LGET of awardees, so pins and certificates can be made available for presentations.
  • Presenting awards to honorees at district functions.
  • Keeping track of awardees for inclusion in the Fall and Spring Conference programs.

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Speechcraft Chair

This chair oversees the training, coaching, and promotion of the Speechcraft program throughout District 57 to its clubs to help them build membership, train new members in groups, and spread the word about Toastmasters to non-members, including:

  • Championing and promoting the concept of Speechcraft events for their role in providing members experience teaching and training, converting guests to members and thus strengthening clubs in the process.
  • Presenting Speechcraft training sessions at TLIs, District Conferences, and DECMs to educate others about the benefits of Speechcraft.
  • Educating would-be Speechcraft leaders about the different Speechcraft formats (eight-week, six-week, and four-week), and being a resource for material created by TI and other members both inside and outside of the District.
    materials available online from TI and created by individuals.
  • Certifying trainers to lead Speechcraft events for their home clubs and other clubs in need. Build a list of trained Speechcraft leaders.
  • Acknowledging and celebrating successful Speechcraft events in the District to spotlight achievement and its results.
  • Developing and training their successor for the following year.

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Toastmasters Leadership Institute Deans

This Dean (or Co-deans) works with the LGET to plan and execute Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) twice a year as per TI guidelines, including:

  • Upholding and developing high quality training sessions with core curricula (District sponsored Club Officer Training) and electives.
  • Ensuring that all club officer training sessions uphold the Toastmasters International (TI) requirements.
  • Creating electives that focus on skills that are specifically valuable to Toastmasters, and are not the same as educational sessions held at District Conferences.
  • Recruiting, training, and managing qualified trainers.
  • Helping organize “Train the Trainer” sessions at least once per year (in concert with the Train the Trainer chair) and requesting all TLI trainers attend this Train the Trainer session.
  • Reviewing trainers’ presentations before TLI for consistency and appropriateness.
  • Recruiting a team of functional area managers and staff to handle registration, promotion, room management, catering, facilities, and evaluation.

This chair position is also responsible for working with Division Governors to ensure the quality of “make-up” officer training, to ensure that it is consistent and in accordance with directives from Toastmasters International WHQ.

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Train the Trainer Chair

This chair is responsible for creating programs for contest training, club and membership building, training officer trainers and conference presenters, as well as training the Train the Trainer events, to perpetuate District growth.

The purpose of Train the Trainer events is to teach participants how to focus on their session’s essence. Participants try to identify what information could be helpful for an audience to understand the subject. Next they will prioritize the list from most to least important. Next they will learn the reality of time. The scheduled time is not the amount of presenting time. Each will practice shaping the final allowable speaking time with the most important information to meet their intended purposes.

Along the way through the session, members will be shown how to incorporate PowerPoint, props, handouts, audience participation, and web site referrals. Foremost in the process is for each to have FUN and provide Fun and effective sessions. I would love for you to be a part of process.

The point of the Train the Trainer chairship and program is to build an extended network of experienced and qualified presenters and trainers.

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Under PRO (Public Relations Officer)

  • District Web Team Lead: Responsible for the design, care, and feeding of the District 57 website, and for coordinating the team of volunteers who make calendar and other content updates.
  • Social Media Team Lead: Responsible for curating photos, announcements, and other content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Constant Contact Team Lead: Responsible for creating and sending out timely email updates to District 57 club members, and for keeping the email lists updated.
  • Google+Team Leader: Responsible for coordinating the Google Hangouts tool that we use to remote-broadcast meetings and training sessions that would otherwise require persons who live in the upper reaches of the District to travel three+ hours to attend District-sponsored meetings.
  • District Advertising Team Lead: Organizes/promotes advertising in local media throughout the district.
  • District AV person: Responsible for taking pictures at district events, and soliciting pictures of persons achieving any award for the D57 “Wall of Fame,” can also be the individual who assists with connecting all AV-type needs for district functions.