Club Success Plan (Mini) for 2021-2022


District 57 Club Success Mini-Plan 2021-2022

Click here for the fillable pdf version

Club Success Plan

Each club is encouraged to complete the Club Success Plan for 2021-2022.  Use this form as your mini-Club Success Plan. Once filled out, have it signed by all club officers and your Area or Division Director before August 31, 2021 and submit no later than September 15, 2021 to the Program Quality Director, Carolyn Douglas at  Email Carolyn Douglas with any questions. Area Director, submit this form directly to Carolyn Douglas when completed. 

Incentive:  Submit your completed mini-Club Success Plan with your Area Director or Division Director’s signature no later than September 15, 2021 PDT and receive $25 in District Bucks. 

Club Officer Training

Club officer training is required twice a year, July 1 – August 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022 – February 28, 2022.  All club officers should be trained.  A minimum of       (number, 4 of 7) club officers will be trained in each period.

Incentive:  Any club where all seven club officers are trained within the specified qualifying period can receive $25 in District Bucks.


Club Quality

Has your club ever conducted the Moments of Truth?        (Yes, No, Don’t Know, Never)

When did you last do a Moments of Truth?       (date, never, or I don’t know)
When will you run your next Moments of Truth?       (date, never, or who knows?)

Do you require or want a facilitator for the process to allow full club membership participation?        (Yes or No).  Here is a link to the Moments of Truth document.


Incentive: Clubs that complete the Moments of Truth between July 1, 2021 to September 20, 2021 or January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022 are eligible to receive $25 in District Bucks. (See further instructions on qualifying criteria that will need to be met).


** Clubs with 3-12 members qualify for a club coach **

We would like a club coach       Yes,        No    (check or circle one)

We don’t qualify for a coach:                                        (name, if any) will volunteer to be a club coach or club ambassador.


Club Executive Committee Meetings

We will hold a club executive committee meeting at least once a month on the 1st /2nd/3rd/4th (circle one)                         (name day of week).


Open Houses

We will hold       (how many) open houses this year.  The scheduled dates are as follows:

Open House 1       (date)           Open House 3       (date)

Open House 2       (date)           Open House 4       (date)

Additional Open House Date(s)      


Incentive:  $50 Open House Incentive available for up to ten (10) Open Houses this year.  (See further instructions on qualifying criteria that will need to be met).


Dues Renewal

We will first announce dues are due on      (2021 date) and       (2022 date).  Dues can be collected starting in August 2021 and February 2022. 

We will collect dues by       cash       check       PayPal       Square        Venmo      Other (check or circle all relevant).

We will submit payment for        # of memberships before       (2021 date) and       (2022 date).

Incentive:  The first 20 clubs to submit full payment for 8 membership renewals will get a $10 in District Bucks. The first 20 clubs to get eight dues payments will also be eligible for the incentive get an incentive.


Club Website

Does your website have a current photo or video of your club members?  Yes  or  No (circle one)

Is your club contact information, directions for joining virtual or in person meetings on the website, and is find-a-club data current?   Yes  or  No (circle one)


Additional Club Newsletter/ Videos Incentives

Does your club have a newsletter? Yes or No    

Incentive:  Enter it in the Best Newsletter Contest and be eligible to win $100, $75, $50, for those judged the first, second and/or third best newsletter and most improved ($25).


Guest Experience

We have a virtual guest book:   Yes or No (circle one)
We have a virtual guest packet:   Yes or No (circle one)
The                        (role) will follow-up with each guest within       days after their visit.



All signatures (actual or digital) are required for reimbursement.  (Can be an email with the officers typing their names that they each agree to the plan.)

Today’s date:      .

  Club Office                                Signature (actual or digital)                      Date Signed

Vice President of Education            
Vice Presider of Membership            
Vice President of Public Relations            
Area/Division Director            


Date Received _____________________.  _________________________________

                                                                             Program Quality Director