Please note that the District 57 Event Calendar is now available to district clubs to post their events.
Past International President, Michael Notaro, DTM
“Show the Way Leadership”
Past District Director, Steve Taddei, DTM
“How to track member progress in Pathways”
Officer Trainers
President: Adrian Chofor
VP Education: Donica Hopkins
VP Public Relations: Karen Davis
VP Membership Eugenia Lau
Treasurer: <Trainer needed>
Secretary: Dennis Neary
Sgt at Arms: Matt Colebourn
Check-in starts at 5:30 pm . Come early as parking is challenging. Training will start promptly at 6:00pm. Some water and lasagna will be served – please bring more food, beverages and snacks to share!
Contact is Sally Philbin, DTM/Division D Director: 510-681-6197