Proxy Form

Club Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Education are entitled to vote and represent their club at the District Conference. Here is what you need to do:

If you are attending the SPRING Conference:

  • Check in at the Credentials Desk and receive your ballot

If you are not able to attend the SPRING Conference:

  • Designate a club member who will be attending to be your representative and carry your “proxy”
  • Complete the District 57 Proxy Form and bring it to the conference
  • Check in at the Credentials Desk and receive your ballot


  • Club members without the proxy form will NOT be allowed to vote
  • Delegates and proxy holders must be members in good standing of a club in good standing

Club Presidents and Vice-President’s of Education, we need your vote at the business meeting. Please attend or send a substitute with the completed proxy form. It is critical to the success of the business meeting that we have enough club representation to conduct business.

Thank you so much!

Best regards,

Diane Pleuss
Credentials Chair