Division C International Speech and Evaluation Contest

    Division C – International Speech and Evaluation Contest Everyone – all contestants, contest functionaries, and contest audience members, please register! You will receive contest information, reminders, and the Division C Contest Zoom link through registration. Register Here Contestants and Contest Functionaries join Zoom at 6:00 pm The Division C Contest will start promptly at 6:30…

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      Area A29 International Speech and Evaluation Contest

      Area A29 Contest – International Speech and Evaluation Contestants should log on to Zoom at 6:45 PM for final briefings Contest functionaries should arrive at 6:30 PM The Contest will begin promptly at 7:00 PM JOIN A29 CONTEST ZOOM HERE For further information or questions, contact Area Director and Contest Chair, Praveena Raman at praveena@ramans.org

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        District 57 Evaluation Contest 2022-23

          * Support your area/club’s speakers!  * Meet other Toastmasters outside of your club! * Improve your speech evaluation skills! District 57 Evaluation Contest Saturday, May 20, 2023 4:00PM Pacific Time (officials/contestants briefing time) 4:30PM Pacific Time (contest start time) Virtual – sign up via Whova  https://whova.com/portal/registration/dtsc_202305/ Evaluation Contest: Contestants observe a five-to seven-minute test…

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          District 57 International Speech Contest 2022-23

            * Support your division’s speaker!  * Meet other Toastmasters outside of your club! * One of these International Speech competitors could be the next World Champion of Public Speaking! District 57 International Speech Contest Friday, May 19, 2023 6:30PM Pacific Time (officials/contestants briefing time) 7:00PM Pacific Time (contest start time) Virtual – sign up…

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