2019 Meetup & Website Contest Results

CLEAN UP YOUR MEETUP and SPRUCE YOUR SITE results are finally in. Congratulations to all the clubs in our district that participated; judging was very difficult!

While clubs could enter both contests, only 1 prize was awarded per club based on their strongest entry. Enjoy your $100 / $75 / $50 reimbursement for a Taco Party, and send your receipts to gaganbir.matta@gmail.com. Excellent job!



1st Place: Chamber Chatters – https://www.meetup.com/ChamberChatters/

2nd Place: City Speech Toastmasters – https://www.meetup.com/Power-of-Speaking/ 

3rd Place: ARPB Toastmasters – https://www.meetup.com/Communication-and-Leadership-with-Toastmasters/events/xwnjplyzjbjc/



1st Place: Speakers Forum – https://9338.toastmastersclubs.org/

2nd Place: Heart2Heart – https://h2h.toastmastersclubs.org/

3rd Place: Napa Toastmasters – https://napatoastmasters.org/

Honorable Mention: Word Weavers – https://400.toastmastersclubs.org/