Ask District Finance: June 2021

By Linda Patten This is my last “Ask District Finance” article as my term ends on June 30, 2021. The incoming District Finance Manager is Michelle Toney, a Toastmaster very qualified to guide us through the financial picture.  The incoming team and I are working on the budget for 2021-2022.  It appears that District Bucks…

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Ask District Finance: Launch

By Linda Patten, D57 Finance Director Editor’s note: We are launching a series of articles touching upon Finance topics of import for all District 57 clubs through the year. We thank Linda Patten, our District Finance Director, for undertaking this monthly column, ‘Ask District Finance’, this year! 2020 has been a year of great change. …

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District Bucks Questions and Answers


1. What is District Bucks?
District Bucks is an account that the district runs for your Club. Every time the Club wins an incentive, the money goes into the Club’s District Bucks account. This system will allow you to make bigger purchases than you could before. 
2. Why did we need to create it?
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, money awards would be used to help pay for food and other meeting expenses. Even though the pandemic is easing with hybrid meetings, we want to encourage open houses, club excellence and club growth with awards.
3. What can Clubs buy?
Anything that helps the Club Mission and promote the Clubs’ growth. Such as, projectors, cameras, microphones, ribbons, pins and other items the club needs to conduct business.
4. What can they not buy?
5. How do they redeem District Bucks?
When the club buys an item, they submit the expense receipt to the District Finance Manager. The item cost must be equal or less than the money accumulated in the club’s District Bucks account.
6. How long do District Bucks last?
Throughout the year but before June 30, 2022.
7. How can I check how many bucks I’ve earned?
A spreadsheet will be available online for all Club.
8. ??? what else?
Details of the District Bucks program are available on the District 57 Club Awards/Incentives and Member Incentives/Recognition Web pages.

Change Log

Date Description Who
XX NOV 2022 Initial 2022 revision WKL
18 NOV 2022 VIMS and spreadsheet updates, link to Q&A WKL