February 2017 District 57 Toast Post Newsletter

Every month, we will be putting out a newsletter with information about what is happening in District 57, tools for success, club member spotlights, and more. Look out for the Toast Post newsletter in your inbox!

Check out the last few editions here:

We are enhancing the monthly district newsletter to include contributions from members of the district. Want to contribute? Click Here for the Newsletter Submission Form!

Scroll down to read this month’s submissions.


Janice Litvin 9466small FAVHow Toastmasters Help Me by Janice Litvin

I set a goal a few years ago of getting paid to speak. So I headed to Toastmasters.

At the same time, I went back to school to study exercise science because I wanted to be more informed as a Zumba instructor. With a goal of one speech per month, I happily completed my CC in a year.

Now, not only am I a heart health speaker for the American Heart Association, I am also getting paid to speak about fitness and weight loss. I was even invited to present a talk on wellness trends at the upcoming NCHRA conference, HR West.

The best way I know to improve public speaking skills is to speak more and practice, practice, practiceThank you, Toastmasters.

Janice Litvin, President
Las Juntas Toastmasters


003 BClub Member Spotlight: Valerie Lukecart

After 9+ years with a company, they downsized and I was laid off – along with half the company. I was terrified of not getting another job; I hadn’t interviewed in over 9 years, plus I was concerned companies wouldn’t hire me because of my age. The first few interviews didn’t go very well. I was nervous, fidgety, I babbled and my mouth went dry. Something had to change; I had to figure out how to show up at the interview with more confidence and less fear. That’s when I found Toastmasters and decided that this might be just what I needed to help build my confidence and my communication skills.

I went to Toastmasters.org, searched for my zip code, and found the closest meeting at a day and time convenient for me – Alameda Tongue Twisters. I showed up at my first meeting and I remember being very impressed with how organized the meeting was, how interesting the speeches were, and how supportive the members were. They called on me for Table Topics and, although I was terrified, I participated and ended up getting the ribbon. What a rush!

After a few months, I was finally able to get an interview with a company I’d been stalking – Oops, I mean researching – since I’d been laid off. My skills got me the interview, however, I truly believe my participation in Toastmasters (confidence from giving speeches, listening skills from giving evaluations, and being able to quickly organize and express my thoughts from participating in Table Topics) got me the job. I later found out the company interviewed several people for the position – all younger than I – but I was offered the job.

The company I work for has a corporate Toastmasters club, Windmasters, which meets every Tuesday during lunch. Since it was so convenient, I had no choice but to join that club too. With Windmasters meeting Tuesdays at noon and Alameda Tongue Twisters meeting Tuesday evenings, I tell folks it’s “Toastmasters Tuesday.”

Through both clubs, I’ve improved my speaking and leadership skills by giving speeches and evaluations, taking on various club roles, being VP-PR, and planning club events. These skills have helped me communicate better, be more confident with speeches and presentations, improve my stage presence when singing, AND get me a job. If any of you find yourselves needing to find employment, there’s good news: the new Toastmasters Pathways program includes a job interviewing path. With the new Toastmasters Pathways program, I can honestly say, Toastmasters keeps getting better and better.

Valerie Lukecart, Vice President of Public Relations
Alameda Tongue Twisters and Windmasters


Kevin ThorntonToastmasters, The Journey to Self-Confidence by Kevin Thornton

My Toastmasters journey started 9 years ago when I become became increasingly frustrated with my career. I wanted to have a larger role in product design, however, I struggled to communicate effectively in front of groups. I stuttered, couldn’t concentrate and became flustered. I always left meetings embarrassed.

After attending an open house, I knew I needed Toastmasters. Unfortunately, my communication skills did not improve overnight. My first few speeches were terrible. I found myself a nervous wreck after each speech with club members constantly reminding to “breathe.” Fortunately, Bioradical Toastmasters is a very supportive club that invested in me succeeding.

My key to success was getting involved in leadership. As Sergeant-at-Arms, I brought the meeting to order and introduced the Toastmaster. Each week, I stepped out of my comfort zone to fill this small role and speak. As the weeks went by, the steady stream of positive experiences pushed my fears aside; nervousness was replaced by self-confidence. My journey towards being a confident communicator and leader had begun. I continued that journey as I subsequently took on the roles of Vice President of Education and Club President.

My Toastmaster journey has taught me that self-confidence and skill mastery are learned only when we step outside our comfort zone. They cannot come from reading a book or listening to a motivational speaker alone. Learning is not a spectator sport. We must be playing the game.

With the above lessons in mind, I next looked outside my club for more challenges to conquer. Participation in both international and humorous speech contests helped me hone my speaking skills. I even managed to take 3rd place in the District 57 Humorous Speech contest. Serving as Area Director allowed me to work with outstanding club leaders and district officers and taught me how to motivate, organize and evaluate. Later while serving on TLI and conference committees, I learned to receive delegation and work on a team while working with some of the District’s best leaders. Most recently, as TLI chair I learned how to delegate, manage team communications, problem-solve, and manage a schedule. Each role I took on was a challenge; however, my skill level and self-confidence has risen with each new challenge.

The skills developed in Toastmasters are used daily in my career. As an R&D scientist I now speak to team members and customers all over the world as I help design, build and test scientific products. Because of Toastmasters I now speak with confidence. Do you want to increase your self-confidence? Then step out of your comfort zone and take on a new challenge. It will unleash the potential hiding inside you waiting to be discovered.

Kevin Thornton, TLI Winter 2017 Chair
Bioradical Toastmasters

January 2017 District 57 Toast Post Newsletter

Every month, we will be putting out a newsletter with information about what is happening in District 57, tools for success, club member spotlights, and more. Look out for the Toast Post newsletter in your inbox!

We are enhancing the monthly district newsletter to include contributions from members of the district. Want to contribute? Click Here for the Newsletter Submission Form!

Scroll down to read this month’s submissions.


942433_639554056054721_1215357716_n2017 Spring Conference Announcement by Sally Philbin, DTM, Conference Chair

Mark your calendars on May 6th for the District 57 2017 Spring Conference at the California Maritime Academy, showcasing the International Speech and Table Topics Contests. We are gearing up for another fabulous conference where you are invited to FIND YOUR PATH through Pathways, the new Toastmaster’s Program designed by Toastmasters International and being rolled out first right here, in District 57.

Now that I have your attention, I am pleased to offer you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor. Any successful endeavor requires the hands of many talented individuals. Luckily, we have just that in District 57. Please contact me (That would be Sally Philbin, Conference Co-Chair) right away to throw your hat into the ring to make this fabulous conference a reality.

Opportunities abound! Not only do we need a lot of hands, we specifically need: Education Chair, Friday Night Showcase Chair (Contact Randie Ellington at pqd@d57tm.org), Raffle Chair, Conference Decorations Chair, and Educational Session Presenters.

Yes, we need educational session presenters! Please submit your topic suggestions here.

Send emails of interest or suggestions of interested volunteers to Sally Philbin at springconference@d57tm.org.

FIND YOUR PATH at the District 57 2017 Spring Conference! You are needed!


VICTORIOUS WITH TMClub Member Spotlight: A.T. Lynne

Purpose is The Key by A.T. Lynne

Looking at the silver-lettered and embossed certificate I recently received for my Advanced Communicator Silver achievement, I’m invited to look back over the road of my Toastmasters journey. A long and winding road it’s been, starting with my first visit to a Toastmasters club in San Diego, to joining a club in Bend, Oregon, then memberships in four more clubs from Texas, Arizona, Nevada and back to California.

And what becomes clear is that everything I achieved in Toastmasters was determined by an internally set purpose.

My introduction to Toastmasters happened one summer morning in 1987 when my friend Carol dared me to go. Neither of us knew what Toastmasters was really about (and the internet wasn’t around for a quick search). Carol said she’d heard that the people were nice, and they would treat us to breakfast on our first visit. My purpose, that first time, was simply to satisfy my curiosity.

However, curiosity alone wasn’t enough for me to want to endure that club’s habit of clinking spoons on water glasses whenever a speaker used a filler word. They suspended this torture when I was invited to introduce myself, but I was so thoroughly intimidated, I didn’t return or reconsider Toastmasters for years.

The next time I walked into a Toastmasters meeting was in the middle of a snowy winter in Bend, Oregon in 1991. Then, my purpose was to distract myself from a recent divorce and to start my life over. It was a small club of friendly Toastmasters who gave me a lot of opportunities to speak. Within 6 months, I’d completed all 10 speeches to achieve my Competent Toastmaster (CTM/CC equivalent).

Soon after that, I took a job as a Federal Environmental Monitor. My first assignment was on pipeline construction in the Rocky Mountains where I was the only woman and the only federal agent. It’s very possible that my Toastmasters skills were what saved me from being shot — a deed that more than one drunken pipeliner threatened to do.

The next three times I joined Toastmasters — in Texas, Arizona and Nevada — was primarily to participate in a community of diverse and interesting people. I enjoyed serving in meeting roles and gave speeches now and then from various advanced manuals. Happily, that purpose was satisfied during a time when I relocated every year or two.

Then, in 2005, settling in Sausalito and publishing my first book brought more opportunities for public speaking. When I joined Talk of the Town Toastmasters in San Rafael, my purpose was to become an accomplished, professional public speaker.

Only when I decided to use the Toastmasters program to develop as a more accomplished and truly competent speaker, was I able to move beyond my first achievements. Yet, every step was in the right direction. Beginning with mild curiosity, through the desire for a community of interesting friends, to the determination to commit to advanced public speaking abilities, each level of engagement served its intended purpose.

A.T. Lynne, Vice President of Membership
Talk of the Town Toastmasters, #7075


About High Performance Leadership (HPL) by Jean Cunningham, DTM

“HPL” or High Performance Leadership project is designed to help you become much more cognizant of your ability as a leader, as well as areas that you can become more proficient. HPL gives you the ability to be a leader rather than a manager; and let me tell you there is a huge difference between the two.

You design a project where you are leading others, who have specific projects, jobs or tasks that need to be accomplished, so as to reach your overall vision and mission of the bigger picture. To accomplish that, a leader must collaborate with the “Action Team” members, to all understand and become one with the vision/mission.

Once this occurs, then the strategic plan is designed by the team and the actual physical project starts. Adjustments may need to be made as a team, and new actions implemented. Assessment of the progress of the project, and the timeline are reviewed regularly. Members ability to complete their tasks are assessed and solutions determined as a team.

You as the leader of this team, do what all leaders should be doing.

  1. Gain Consensus on the “Vision and Values”
  2. Provide “Direction”
  3. Use all the talents of “Persuasion”
  4. Give “Support”
  5. “Develop” your team members
  6. Show meaningful “Appreciation”

Leaders provide “Service Leadership” or relationships; so that workers can focus their energy to do their best work. Being a leader is not all about you, but rather the vision/mission or goal you foresee.


December 2016 District 57 Toast Post Newsletter

Every month, we will be putting out a newsletter with information about what is happening in District 57, tools for success, club member spotlights, and more. Look out for the Toast Post newsletter in your inbox!

We are enhancing the monthly district newsletter to include contributions from members of the district. Want to contribute? Click Here for the Newsletter Submission Form!

Scroll down to read this month’s submissions.


magic-clipart-magic-show-clip-art-649260The Magic of Toastmasters by Kevin Thornton & Timothy Fisher

Doing is Becoming at Toastmasters Leadership Institute

If you ask someone what Toastmasters is about, the first thing you will hear is – “it is a program designed to improve public speaking skills.” Unfortunately, this simple statement does not tell the whole story. Toastmasters offers much, much, more. The combined Toastmaster communication and leadership tracks provide a real life environment to practice and enhance communication and leadership skills.

For anyone who has attended a Toastmasters meeting, the experience of just showing up can be intimidating. Stick around a few months and the realization will come that this program has real magic in it. The shy become bold. The fearful find courage. The creative flourish.

The Toastmasters leadership track takes untrained, inexperienced people and turns them into seasoned, professional leaders. It is the only organization where experience is not required to become a leader. The only requirements are a willingness to: step out of your comfort zone, volunteer, get the provided training, and practice what you have learned while you serve.

As a volunteer club officer your role is to manage the clubs day-to-day affairs. Officer duties and leadership skills are learned as you attend training presented twice a year at the Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI). Here you learn: your role’s basic duties, enhanced communication techniques, conflict resolution, and other high value skills. Your skills are sharpened and confidence increased through practice as a club leader.

Why should you participate in the leadership track? Within Toastmasters, trained leaders gain knowledge and skills that allow clubs and organizations to thrive, grow and provide a better learning experience to their members. Outside of Toastmasters, organizations continuously look for leaders with good communication, organization, time management and people skills.

As the new Toastmasters semi-annual term begins in January, take the opportunity to attend District 57’s Toastmaster Leadership Institute to: beef up your leadership and communication skills, learn about new TI initiatives, get inspired by speakers and get additional club officer role training.


karenClub Member Spotlight: Karen Vecchi

As I was progressing in my career, a few people mentioned an organization called Toastmasters. I did not think much about it or really look into it at that point. Then a co-worker invited me to a Toastmasters meeting. They served pizza at the meeting and I thought, “Hey, this is pretty good!” But they did explain that this was an exception and they do not have pizza at every meeting. I came back the following week and joined. Then came the dreaded Table Topics. I was called on to do a table topic. Petrified, I think I stood up at the lectern for all of 14 seconds without getting any words out but a few um’s. On to my ice-breaker speech – I got through it, but my voice shook so much from nerves and the more I tried to control it, the more it shook and wavered. After my table topic and ice breaker experience, I was ready for the bad news – I would be kicked out of the club because there was no hope for me.

Luckily, a few of the seasoned members told me I was at the right place and that I just needed to keep at it. Things would turn around for my public speaking. It did not happen with the second or third speech, but finally by the fourth speech, my voice did not shake as much. I kept with it and eventually became an officer of the club, and have grown from there.

As with every member who grows with Toastmasters, the experience has improved both my leadership and speaking skills. Many members do not know much about Toastmasters beyond their club. It can be overwhelming for a new member just to understand the Competent Communicator Manual, the Competent Leader Manual and club roles. However, as a member gains experience, they can understand the additional opportunities available within Toastmasters, but outside their safe club environment. Since I have gained so much from Toastmasters, I have given back to Toastmasters in order to help the organization succeed. I have been the Area D26 Governor where I worked and evaluated different clubs. I have been a Co-Chair of a District Conference and a club coach. I continue to serve as an officer, resource, and mentor for my club, Lakeside Speakeasy, and emphasize the Toastmasters protocol so that the club can remain strong as we help new Toastmasters members achieve success.

For the last two years, I have opened a work-related conference with over 700 attendees which I would not have been able to do without practicing, growing and learning through Toastmasters. Toastmasters, the journey to uncover your potential is unlimited.

Karen Vechi,
Lakeside Speakeasy


The Toastmasters Community by Carol Haynes

A community is that place where you feel belonging, support, and influence. A community offers that special place of safety. Your community might be made up of your neighborhood, religious organization, or extended family. You may have more than one community. Little did I know that when I joined Toastmasters almost four years ago, I would find more than a public speaking group; I would find community.

Like many new Toastmasters, my initial Toastmasters experience was writing and rehearsing speeches, checking off goals to attain the Competent Communicator and Competent Leadership awards, and attending a weekly meeting. In other words, it was all about me. Don’t get me wrong—I enjoyed my club, I loved the members, and I was always willing to go above and beyond to help the club out. But I didn’t know what could be gained by going beyond the “it’s all about me” mentality to the “it’s all about them” mentality.

As I continued checking off boxes and moving up the communication and leadership tracks (and seeing corresponding improvements in my skills), I came to the Advanced Leadership Silver award. To earn the ALS, it could no longer be all about me. One of the requirements is to serve in a district office. I had been in club officer roles from nearly the beginning of my Toastmasters experience, but I thought that the District Officers were the Toastmasters elite. After all, I heard them introduced as dignitaries at Toastmasters events. However, I learned that Area and Division directors are not a “secret society” with barriers to entrance. Like every leadership opportunity in Toastmasters, there are a group of people who have served in the role before who are willing to step aside, step beside, and step behind.

The willingness to step aside allows members with less experience can take on leadership roles in the district; the willingness to step beside provides mentorship to the member filling the role; and finally the willingness to step behind whispering words of encouragement allows new leaders to make their own mistakes while providing a safety net if they falter.

Completing the High Performance Leadership project as an Area Director provided me with unique opportunities. The objective of a High Performance Leadership project is to gain experience in creating a vision, goal-setting, developing plans and strategies, and building a team. My guidance committee was made up of former district leaders who knew the pitfalls and could offer suggestions. My guidance committee illustrated the principles of stepping aside, stepping beside, and stepping behind.

Ending the year as a Select Distinguished Area was a side benefit of using the HPL project to guide my Area Director activities. It was the members in the Area that deserve the credit for that success. I am happy to have played a small part in the success of the clubs and develop new tools in my future leadership endeavors.

Throughout my years in Toastmasters, I have found that the more roles I assume, the larger my circle of community has become. Each role has added another layer of belonging and support. Think about how you might benefit from making Toastmasters your community.

November 2016 District 57 Toast Post Newsletter

Every month, we will be putting out a newsletter with information about what is happening in District 57, tools for success, club member spotlights, and more. Look out for the Toast Post newsletter in your inbox!

We are enhancing the monthly district newsletter to include contributions from members of the district. Want to contribute? Click Here for the Newsletter Submission Form!

Scroll down to read this month’s submissions.


Engineering a Winning Presentation by Tyree Johnson, DTM

The time will come if it hasn’t already passed that you will be called on to present your case especially in the technical and business workplace. To engineer a winning presentation, use this guide in preparing your case:

Ask yourself why are you here?
Determine your purpose in presenting.
Develop your presentation with a goal in mind.

Cover the Basics
Recognize that not everyone is an expert.
Your audience came interested.
Everyone should be able to follow the first third of your presentation.

Use Simple Examples
Relate to a real world problem.
Refer back to your example that parallels to your topic.
If it takes more than 90 seconds to explain, then simplify.

Include Lots of Images
Use animations and pictures instead of equations.
Display the equation at the bottom of the slide to satisfy the curious.
Your audience will remember a picture after the equation is gone.

Explain your Data
Include a box with your key takeaway point at the bottom of graphs, maps, or charts.
Beware of information overload.
Legends and axes should be clearly labeled.

Give the Bottom Line
Conclude why your presentation is relevant.
Answer this question: What problem did you solve and why is it important to others?

Practice Timing
Practice out loud and time yourself.
Avoid the race to the end when time runs out.
Cut material if necessary; always be respectful of the organizers schedule.

Prepare for Questions
Practice answering probable questions.
Clarify your point.
Immediately correct wrong presumptions.
Rude or off-base questions should be handled in the “parking lot”. Avoid embarrassing arguments.

Get Excited
Show you’re enthusiastic about your work.
Share your pride in excellence.
Correct wrong assumptions tactfully.
Finally Execute
Utilizing these tips to yourself the best chance possible toward winning your audience. You will be confident that your audience is being rewarded with the valuable and credible information that important for them to absorb from you on this occasion.


shalini-suresh-kumarClub Member Spotlight: Shalini Suresh Kumar

Conquering stage fear, avoiding overuse of gestures, using pauses wisely-all hallmarks of a great speech! Alas, my speech was no were close to that. You see, I was aware of the problem and thus was halfway close to solving it, or so I thought. “Improve public speaking” made its home on my to-do for the longest time. When I started working at Bio-Rad after graduating from UC Berkeley with a Master’s in Chemical Engineering in May 2016, an opportunity to act on it arose.

My journey with Toastmasters has so far been about 8 meetings at Bioradical Toastmasters and the Fall District 57 Conference. When I nervously entered the Toastmasters meeting room at Bio-Rad, about 20 minutes late, I walked in on a prepared speech. I noticed a few things: people clapped an awful lot, badges were handed out to best speakers, and most importantly, immediate feedback was given on how to improve the speech. As I understood how Toastmasters was structured, I knew I had to be a part of it. At that moment though, I wasn’t aware how mammoth Toastmasters was.

This changed when I attended the conference with my fellow club toastmasters. I came with the intention of seeing what the best toastmasters looked like, hoping I could model their path. By the end of the conference, I was able to achieve more than just that. As I prepare my icebreaker speech, I know this is the first of what promises to be an exciting journey of toastmastering!

Shalini Suresh Kumar,
BioRadical Toastmasters


Starting Your Journey to an Advanced Leader Silver Award by Christopher Foster

Congratulations! You’ve just earned your Advanced Leader Bronze award! You’ve served many roles throughout your Toastmasters career, mentored new members, chaired club socials and speech contests and served your club as a Club Officer. These activities are vital to Toastmasters clubs. In addition to the recognition you’ve received as a leader in your club, I want to give you a hearty “Thank you” for leading your club and contributing to the success of the District! Now you’re looking ahead to the next step on your journey to hone your leadership skills. Perhaps you’ve perused the requirements for the Advanced Leader Silver award? If you’re like me, you might be daunted by what you’ve found.  Earning the Advanced Leader Silver award is challenging! It includes: Service as a District Officer, Coaching a struggling club or mentoring a new club; and completing the High Performance Leadership program. Wow! That certainly seems like a lot of work! Where do you even start?

You are absolutely correct: earning an Advanced Leader Silver award involves a great deal of hard work! It’s a daunting prospect, and many Toastmasters consider it the most difficult of awards to earn in either the Leadership or Communication track. Just getting started is a huge hurdle for many people. In order to earn this award, you have to step outside of your club and become involved with the entire District. But fear not, motivated member! I am here to help get you started. I’ll tell you how to express your interest and to apply for a District Office, how to become a Club Coach or Club Mentor and how to get your High Performance Leadership project started.

If you’re seeking your Advanced Leader Silver award, you are motivated to improve your leadership skills. That is convenient, because a successful District depends on its officer team for success. Motivated officers will help it succeed. There are a plethora of District Offices, but since this is your first time tackling the Advanced Leadership Silver program –yes, people do this more than once!- you’ve likely never served as one before. The most effective way for you to familiarize yourself with District Leadership is to seek a role as Area Director. The Area Director motivates a small team of clubs – normally 3 to 6 – to succeed. As an Area Director, you’ll visit the clubs in your Area, communicate with the officers that comprise your Area Council, coordinate Area Speech Contests and report the progress to the District leadership triad.  Along the way, you’ll meet Toastmasters throughout the District and  have the opportunity to assist with Toastmasters Leadership Institute and with District Conferences Serving as an Area Director is a challenging, yet rewarding experience. Obtaining a position as an Area Director is as easy as expressing your interest to the District Leadership, starting with the current Area Director. The District values volunteers and often does not have enough to fill the positions it needs. Area Directors understand the importance of finding successors to continue quality leadership of their Area when their term ends, and are happy to hear that someone is willing to make the commitment. After volunteering, you’ll fill out an application and interview briefly with the new year’s District Director. From there, you’re in for a wonderful journey which will test your leadership skills and take them to the next level.

While it’s true that the Advanced Leader Silver award encourages activity in the District, the basic building block of Toastmasters is the Club and its members. The introduction of a new Toastmasters club is a joyous occasion! It introduces a large group of people to the benefits of Toastmasters and it helps the District meet their growth goals. New clubs need guidance for success. The officers of the club may be new to Toastmasters and you are familiar with the learning curve that comes with being a Club Officer.  Members of a new club need someone to turn to when they have questions. Just as new members who join Toastmasters benefit from an experienced mentor, so do new clubs.

When a new club is formed, the District Leadership assigns mentors to that club. As a Club Mentor, you’ll be pretty busy. You’ll want to attend as many club meetings as you can to make sure members can lean on you when they need help for their roles. You’ll have to be available for questions between meetings and you’ll attend club officer meetings to make sure the club you’ve taken under your wing can best benefit from your guidance. Often, a club will suffer setbacks. Club membership can drop for many reasons. When that happens, the District might identify a club in need of some Coaching. As a Club Coach, you’ll work with a struggling club to help them become successful. You’ll give personal attention to the members and Officers, focusing on improving the quality of the club’s program and on building membership. Think of yourself like a doctor. You’ll have to diagnose those areas where the club needs improvements and think of inventive solutions. Sometimes, a new club or a struggling club will need you for more than the six month minimum time the District requires for you to get credit for your Advanced Leader Silver award. But that’s no problem, right? You know the importance of putting in more than the bare minimum to succeed! Club Mentorship and Coaching give you an opportunity to learn important leadership skills and to help make a lasting positive mark on a club. Good news! If you’re an Area Director, you’ll work closely with District leadership to grow new clubs and assist clubs who are facing challenges. Area Directors often have the opportunity to Mentor and Coach clubs in their areas, since they are already a source of support and information for those clubs.

The purpose of the Toastmasters Leadership education track is to help its members be the best leaders they can be. It should be no surprise that a critical component of the Advanced Leader Silver Award – the pinnacle of the Toastmasters Leadership track – is a project specifically designed to put all of the leadership skills you’ve learned up to this point to the test. I’m referring to the High Performance Leadership project, or HPL. I think of the HPL as a thesis for the Leadership track. You’ll use the High Performance Leadership Manual to guide you through several rigorous assignments centered on a single project and will recruit a team to help you achieve your goals. You’ll learn to use the Six Dimensions of Leadership – Vision and Values, Direction, Persuasion, Support, Development and Appreciation – to lead your team to success. You’ll recruit a committee of experienced Toastmasters who will serve as your Guidance Committee, who will evaluate your progress at each step. You have a lot of freedom with which to choose your HPL project, and it doesn’t even have to be related to Toastmasters. You could organize a soup kitchen or a major fundraiser. You could start a business. You could lead an effort to lobby for legislation in your community. The only limit is your imagination. Of course, if you are an Area Director, your endeavor for the year is certainly a leadership project, and you will wish to perform to a high level of performance. Do you see where I’m going with this? Your service as area director can count as the requirement for your High Performance Leadership project if you follow the assignments in the High Performance Leadership Manual. To get started, order the High Performance Leadership manual. It will tell you what you need to do to complete your HPL. If you’re looking for support in your HPL journey, you can join the Toastmasters Leadership  Club in Oakland, CA, a club dedicated to helping its members complete the High Performance Leadership project. Like mentoring a new club, the HPL gives you a chance to build and create something of substance and to become a better leader along the way.

The Advanced Leader Silver Award is an achievement that recognizes great dedication to improving leadership skills. You’ll find great challenges undertaking service as a District Officer, guiding members as a Club Coach or Mentor and completing your High Performance Leadership project. Your leadership skills will be tested and honed.  At the end, the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel at undertaking these tasks will be monumental. This guide can help get you started on your journey. I hope you take your first steps soon!

Newsletter Submission Form

Submit something for the Monthly Newsletter! Check out these older Toast Post Newsletters for inspiration/reference:

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to submit your article for the month you want to be featured in BY the first Friday of that month! As the Newsletter Team, we reserve the right to edit the content received without sacrificing message or objective of the piece. 

*Note* If you cannot see the form below, please click this link to be taken to the sign up form