Be Prepared to Lead Winter TLI

Get the skills you need to lead in 2022 by attending D57’s Winter TLI! We have some amazing speakers and trainers Register here!  Speakers:  Keynote Diane Pleuss and Special Topics Speaker Gary Howarth Club OfficerTrainers President: Greg Scott  VPE: Chiye Azuma/Lilit Arevshatyan VPM: Abhijeet Joshi VPPR: Nancy Moscardini Secretary: Ashley Harkness Treasurer: Michelle Toney and…

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Struck by Lightning…Twice

By Nancy Moscardini Last March, we transitioned our Toastmasters meetings to a corporate sponsored online conference tool. We got accustomed to clicking on the link and starting the meeting, only our photos would be visible. I’m not one who seeks the spotlight, I’m most comfortable being behind the curtain, and let others take center stage….

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Additional resources and handouts for Jan 16 TLI

Placeholder for resources and handouts

Resources and handouts to be placed here


Club Ambassador Role

We Are Looking for Voracious Toastmasters Who Want a Great Challenging Pathways ProjectIt is a new role called theClub Ambassador!   Purpose: Provide guidance to struggling clubs that do not qualify for a Club Coach  An example would be a club with 14 members and their DCP score is 0, 1 or 2   Goal: Help…

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