Club Ambassador Role

We Are Looking for Voracious Toastmasters Who Want a Great Challenging Pathways Project

It is a new role called the
Club Ambassador!


Provide guidance to struggling clubs that do not qualify for a Club Coach  
An example would be a club with 14 members and their DCP score is 0, 1 or 2
Help a struggling club increase their DCP Score by a minimum of 2 points before June 2021
(serving as a Club Ambassador does not require adhering to the rigorous Club Coach requirements)
Proactively help clubs before they slip into the situation where they desperately need a Club Coach
Lead a team of at least 3 including the appropriate Area Director
Learn hands-on club mentoring/coaching techniques that could be leveraged later towards DTM 
Obtain credit in Pathways as the leader of a Level 4 or 5 Project
Award for Excellent Club Ambassadors presented at the Year-End Ceremony in July
Recognition by the Trio and Across the Entire District
We have 32 clubs in D57 that need top-notch Club Ambassadors to help them
Interested?  Please reach out to me for further details:

Best regards,
Bill Holsey, DTM
Corporate Club Chair