Another New Club Chartered, Powerful November DECM!

In another packed meeting of over 50, D57 leadership celebrated a new club charted: ReMax Toastmasters/Accord. On the agenda were TLI North and TLI South  (look at the D57 calendar) along with a great review of value-selling for opening the discussion of Toastmasters.    Sponsors  Cherry Chen & George Marshall Mentors Gina Cefalu & Lisa…

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Train the Trainer — Excited, Engaged, Efficacious !

The recent Train the Trainer event was was a resounding success. It was led by Faz Binesh, and event marketing was supported by Hanna Spongberg. Look at these engaged Toastmasters, videos, and read the quotes from the post-event survey.      Read several positive comments from the post-event survey: “Well prepared, entertaining, fun!” “Effective meeting/control local and remote…

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