By Kevin Markl
Toastmasters join our EPIC organization to learn-by-doing. Every time a member fills a role or completes a speech in the legacy or Pathways educational experience, they don’t just build their knowledge, self-confidence and personal growth. They also help our clubs earn points under the Distinguished Club Program (DCP). Below are tips for members to earn educational awards and for clubs to be recognized under the DCP before our Toastmasters’ year ends June 30th, 2019.
Submit awards to Basecamp AND Club Central
If it’s not in Club Central, it doesn’t exist.
Any Pathways awards MUST be submitted to Club Central as well as Basecamp to recognize the member for their hard work and to recognize the club under the Distinguished Club Program. Watch the video below from District 7 to see how this two-step process works:
Aren’t sure if a Pathways award was submitted in both places? Check two places:
- Educational awards to date here. This will list all awards submitted to Club Central. If an award was submitted in Basecamp but not Club Central, it won’t show up here. Note that members who have opted out of public reporting of their awards will only show up by their membership number.
- The Toastmasters Dashboard here. On the top left of the dashboard, you can search to find your club. Here you will see the number of awards submitted to Club Central by type (but not the member name – that’s what the previous report does).
If it’s not in club central, it doesn’t exist. Make sure you follow the two-step process for ALL Pathways awards earned June 1, 2018 onwards.
Don’t forget about Leadership Track
Club members who joined before the Pathways roll out in our District in February 2017 are eligible to earn legacy Leadership Awards (CL, ALB, ALS). You can read more about the legacy Leadership track here. A club can earn up to 2 DCP points for each completion of a CL, ALB and ALS. What are the largest barriers to earning each of these in the next several weeks?
- The Competent Leadership (CL) award typically requires someone to organize your Club’s Speech Contest. Who organized your contest in December and January? If they joined before February 2017, find out how far away they are from earning their CL. Someone who organized the speech contest in past years but didn’t get awarded a CL should also be questioned.
- The Advanced Leadership Bronze (ALB) award requires not just a CL award, but for a member to serve as a Club Officer for 6+ months AND to conduct any two presentations from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series. Note that those 2 presentations can be applied to any relevant Communications or Pathways award.
If you are 1 or 2 DCP points short and have members who joined before the Pathways educational experience was rolled out in February 2017, you may have an opportunity to be recognized as a Distinguished club. Note that the Advanced Leadership Silver (ALS) is more tricky and requires a member serving as a District Officer for 12 months before July 1, 2020. If you’re working towards your ALS and DTM, please email to find out what District Officer roles are still available in the year ahead.
Organize a Speak-a-thon
If you have a large group of members who need 1 or 2 speeches to earn an educational award, consider organizing a speak-a-thon. Here’s how it works:
- In a Speak-a-thon meeting, you only do prepared speeches. Don’t hold any verbal evaluations (written feedback is still encouraged!) or table topics.
- Identify which members need 1 or 2 speeches to reach an educational award that nets an additional DCP point.
- Invite them to speak during the Speak-a-thon.
Still need additional speaking opportunities? Check with other Club Officers in nearby clubs or your Area Director to find meetings to speak at.
We’re in the last several weeks of the Toastmasters year. Make sure you are recognizing your members when they earn educational awards. It’s not just good practice to build an EPIC club culture, but can also help you earn the 1 or 2 DCP points you might be missing to be Distinguished this year. Make sure you’ve submitted all Pathways awards on basecamp and club central. Determine if some of your members who joined before February 2017 can earn a Leadership award. Finally, organize a Speak-a-thon or find opportunities to speak out of the club to get more speeches done in a shorter period of time.