Excellent Club Meetings #3, 7-8pm

    In the Excellent Meeting series, we will delve into the important aspects of conducting successful, captivating, and purposeful club meetings, which will help you maintain and enhance your club membership. Every session will involve brainstorming and exchanging ideas with the group to enhance your overall learning experience. Register HERE in Eventbrite

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    Additional Club Officer/Leadership Trainings – Summer 2023

    Toastmasters, Did you miss the June 17, 2023 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training (COT)? Do you want to take full advantage of their Toastmasters memberships? Are ready to be club leaders but want to get all the help that they can get? Are curious about Toastmasters club leaderships? Do you want to meet…

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      Club Coach Readiness Training – Session Option 3

        Prepare to pass the TI required Club Coach Training module located on the Pathways tab at Toastmasters.org.  Matchmaking for those who want to be a Club Coach with those clubs who want a Club Coach in the 2022-23 Club Coach Program! See Club Coach Readiness Training Workshop page for details:  https://d57tm.org/club-coach-readiness-training-2022-23/ Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/club-coach-readiness-training-d57-toastmasters-tickets-538663766827…

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      Member/Club Awards/Incentives Submission Training Sessions

      What is this about? The new Volunteer Incentive Management Software (VIMS) is here to improve awards/incentives submitting, tracking, and approving experience of Members, Club Officers, and District Officers.   At this training session you will: Learn why District 57 Toastmasters launched the VIMS system Learn how to login to the VIMS system Learn how to…

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