District Executive Council (DECM) – 9:00 – Noon

    Join Zoom Meeting  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84553276660?pwd=UDYvSm9QL3dDc05uZTF2WWcrRk94dz09   Meeting ID: 845 5327 6660Passcode: 878296One tap mobile+16694449171,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US+12532050468,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US  District Executive Committee members can learn the last information from the District Trio at the District Executive Committee Meeting (DECM): Incentives Club Growth Program Quality Finance PR News and information- and more! The District Executive Committee consists of the District Director, Program Quality Director,…

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    District 57 Summer Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) 2023-24

      TLI Dean: Maureen Filler Keynote Speaker: Lance Miller, 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking   Toastmasters International trains club officers to be successful in their roles.  Here is where you want to get the training and resources to start your term on the best foot forward!   Saturday, June 17, 2023 9:00 AM to…

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      Club Coach Readiness Training – Session Option 3

        Prepare to pass the TI required Club Coach Training module located on the Pathways tab at Toastmasters.org.  Matchmaking for those who want to be a Club Coach with those clubs who want a Club Coach in the 2022-23 Club Coach Program! See Club Coach Readiness Training Workshop page for details:  https://d57tm.org/club-coach-readiness-training-2022-23/ Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/club-coach-readiness-training-d57-toastmasters-tickets-538663766827…

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        D57TM Contest Training 2023-3

        Get Ready for the 2022-2023 Speech Contest Season! What is this? Part Three of D57 ONLINE Contest training will focus on the area: “Judge and Ballot Training”   The intended audience is all future chief judges and any officials they have recruited so far, including judges and ballot counters and timers.    Here is the…

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        Member/Club Awards/Incentives Submission Training Sessions

        What is this about? The new Volunteer Incentive Management Software (VIMS) is here to improve awards/incentives submitting, tracking, and approving experience of Members, Club Officers, and District Officers.   At this training session you will: Learn why District 57 Toastmasters launched the VIMS system Learn how to login to the VIMS system Learn how to…

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