District Executive Council (DECM) – 9:00 – Noon

    Join Zoom Meeting   https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84553276660?pwd=UDYvSm9QL3dDc05uZTF2WWcrRk94dz09   Meeting ID: 845 5327 6660Passcode: 878296One tap mobile+16694449171,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US+12532050468,,84553276660#,,,,*878296# US  District Executive Committee members can learn the last information from the District Trio at the District Executive Committee Meeting (DECM): Incentives Club Growth Program Quality Finance PR News and information- and more! The District Executive Committee consists of the District Director, Program Quality Director,…

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    District 57 Speech Contests

    We have finally made it to District Level International Speech Contest!   Please join us for the District 57 International Speech Contest District 57 International Speech Contest – April 23rd, 7:00-9:00pm https://www.eventbrite.com/e/district-57-toastmasters-international-speech-contest-tickets-149243654789   Over the last several months, Toastmasters have been competing in Speech Contests at the Club, Area and Division levels ~ now it’s…

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