Ed Cullen

District 57 Business Meeting May 1, 2021

If you are a Club President or Vice President of Education, you are a very special person!  You, along with Directors (Area, Division, District) can plan the future of District 57.  How?  By being at the Business Meeting where you can decide on next year’s District Realignment, the District Budget, and the leadership team for…

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Back to the Future with Pathways!

In a few short weeks we will start a new Toastmasters year.  Do you still have unmet educational goals and aspirations?   Lindy Sinclair will show you how to achieve your self-selected and self-paced goals via Pathways at her webinar June 3, 2021.  Pathways has been with us in District 57 for over 4 years. …

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District 57 Speech Contests

We have finally made it to District Level International Speech Contest!   Please join us for the District 57 International Speech Contest District 57 International Speech Contest – April 23rd, 7:00-9:00pm https://www.eventbrite.com/e/district-57-toastmasters-international-speech-contest-tickets-149243654789   Over the last several months, Toastmasters have been competing in Speech Contests at the Club, Area and Division levels ~ now it’s…

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