District 57 TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) 2022: PREPARE – LEAD – SUCCEED


July 16, 2022

 We are using the Whova platform to host the Summer TLI training, register now! 

District 57 TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) 2022: PREPARE – LEAD – SUCCEED Registration (whova.com)

Preliminary Agenda: 

8:00-8:55 am
Early Networking

Welcome to TLI Fall 2022! The theme: “PREPARE – LEAD – SUCCEED“.  
Opening remarks by: Bill Holsey, DTM
D57 Trio:  Carolyn Douglas, DTM     Ed Cullen, DTM    Sally Philbin, DTM
Our keynote address: “Courage to Lead” by Michael Notaro, DTM, PDG

Officer Training
President: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective Club President for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples.  
Speaker: Talha Bin Hamid, DTM

VP of Education: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective VPE for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 
Speakers: Lisa Ash and Hans Thoma

Vice President of Membership: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective VPM for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 
Speaker: Greg Scott, DTM

Vice President of Public Relations: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective VPPR for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 
Speakers: Cynthia Stout, DTM and Jeanna Alford, DTM

Secretary: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective Secretary for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 
Speaker: Brendan Murphy, DTM

Treasurer: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective Treasurer for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 

Sargeant-at-Arms: Learn the secrets of becoming a highly effective SAA for your club!  This session will provide invaluable information on tips, techniques, overcoming challenges and suggested approaches through real world examples. 
Speaker: Ashley Harkness, PDG