Dues are due! Compete in the 7+1 Renewals Challenge

That’s right, starting today, Monday February 3rd, renewals can be paid through club Central. Club Officers, compete to get 8 renewals in before February 29th!

I believe that Club Officers should be the first to pay their renewals – don’t you? With club renewals open for payment earlier than ever, on Monday February 3rd, there’s no excuse to wait to get 8 renewals in. I challenge every club officer to:

  1. Log into Club Central @ https://www.toastmasters.org/My-Toastmasters/profile/club-central
  2. Click on Submit Payment button
  3. Add your renewal to the Cart.
    Note: Ensure the right renewals are in your cart on the bottom of the screen before you continue to provide payment information
  4. Fill in your payment information and submit

If 7 Club Officers get their dues in, you’ll just need 1 more member to renew before February 29th, be a club in good standing and beat the 7+1 Renewals Challenge. Well, what are you waiting for? Log into Club Central here or discover more about the dues renewal process here.

Kevin Powell
Renewals Chair
District 57 Toastmasters