Fulfill Your Path/Find Your Voice with the District 57 Public Relations Team

Do you:

  • want to work on your Pathways projects outside of your club?
  • want some exciting opportunities for your Pathways Level 4+ project(s)?
  • want to make connections towards your High Performance Leadership project?
  • want to find your voice and make a difference at the Toastmasters District level?
  • want to see the Toastmasters world outside of your club?
  • know a Toastmaster who is looking for one or more of the above?
Then we are looking for you – enthusiastic Toastmasters who also can help as a member of the District 57 PR team!
You can be credited with a relevant project of your choice under these Pathway Projects that aligns with the District’s need:
  • Create a Podcast
    • Level 4 Elective – All Paths
  • Building a Social Media Presence
    • Level 4 Elective – All Paths
  • Public Relations Strategies
    • Level 4 – Required for Strategic Relationships Path, Elective for other Paths
    • Recommended if you are curious about the District PRM or PR Team.
  • High Performance Leadership
    • Chair position only as an HPL project requires to one to work with a team of volunteers on specific goals within limited time
    • Level 5 – Required for Effective Coaching, Innovative Planning, Persuasive Influence.  Elective for other Paths
    • Recommended if you are curious about the District PRM or PR Team.

Specific Requirements/Commitments

  1. Your project adheres to the Toastmasters Brand Manual https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/brand-manual
  2. Your conduct adheres to the Core Values of Toastmasters International https://www.toastmasters.org/about/our-mission
  3. Your proposed Pathway project is relevant to the District’s needs
  4. The Key to the social media project that you have created as part of this project, or the fruits of your labor (linking them)
    (we would love to carry on by passing the fruit of your labor to others to continue the success)
  5. An invitation to your 5-7-minute speech on your project at the conclusion of your involvement.

Contact: wing@d57tm.org or any member of the District Trio for discussion.

Change Log

Date Description Who
11 NOV 2022 Initial PY 2022-23 Pitch WKL
01 DEC 2022 Add TI media WKL