Open House Kick-off Meeting Workshop 2022/10/06

District 57 Open House Kick-off Meeting Workshop
Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm Pacific Time
Please register here:

Who should attend: all club officers, especially club VPPR, President, VPM, and Treasurer, club coaches and ambassadors

From the Desk of
Maureen Filler
District 57 Open House Chair

I am the District Open House Chair for 2022-2023. I will be working with our Club Growth Director (Sally Philbin) and our Club Excellence Chair (Lindy Sinclair) to help our clubs hold amazing Open Houses.

Running open houses has several benefits such as:

  1. Attracting new members
  2. Reenergizing existing members
  3. Earning District Bucks

Clubs can earn District Bucks for running successful* open houses. A successful open house means having a minimum of three guests, or having a guest join as a member. Clubs can use this money to buy equipment for hybrid meetings, pay for room rental, or buy a Zoom license when our District stops providing free Zoom accounts for club use.

On October 6, you will hear from the Club Excellence team.

As the Open House Chair, I plan to provide training to help clubs run effective open houses, from planning to implementing. Training topics will include, but not limited to:

  1. How to create flyers that are TMI compliant and that are proven to attract guests (e.g., using Canva);
  2. How to create open house registration using Eventbrite.
  3. How to create a Google form to collect guest information.
  4. How to use social media platforms and other applications, for example, Meetup, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. to promote your open houses.
  5. How to run interesting open houses.
  6. How to submit documentation to the District to secure your District Bucks.
  7. Any other topics that you find helpful.

By working as a team, you will get the support from other Toastmasters, both within and outside our district, for example, we can help your club send requests to outside Toastmasters groups for keynote speakers and to even help fill open house roles.

Our goal is to help you feel comfortable and confident in running open houses this TM year. You will be delighted by seeing a good club membership growth if you do it right, and we are here to help you do it right.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you there!

The session will be recorded.

Maureen Filler, PMP, EC2
Treasurer Scopemasters East Bay
District 57 Open House Chair


Resources/recording to be posted

-WKL #PRM v2022_1005_1611
-WKL #PRM v2022_1004_2341