District Spring Business Meeting

    District Spring Business Meeting Online only – Whova Link https://whova.com/portal/registration/dtsc_202305/ See more information here: https://d57tm.org/spring-business-meeting-2022-23/ Part of the District Spring Conference through 4PM Pacific Time; 4-6PM would be the District Evaluation Speech Contest. Loading… Powered By Whova event management tools

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    2022 Fall Business Meeting and Town Hall Meeting – Register Now!

    Summary:  District 57 Fall Business Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm virtually/online.All District 57 Toastmasters are welcome, voting limited to District Council members only.  Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/business-meeting-fall-tickets-413222829607 Review and vote on the 2022-2023 budget, elect District officers, and approve appointed district leaders for 2022-2023. A Town Hall Meeting…

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      Town Hall Meeting

      Among the important issues at the May 1 Annual Business Meeting we’ll have the opportunity to vote on the realignment of clubs and areas in our district. This realignment plan will have been presented to the District Executive Committee at both their March and April meetings. Please come to this Town Hall to learn more…

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        D57 Fall Business Meeting

        Register now for the D57 Fall Business Meeting at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMudeitrTojG9CRlxrXqC70bF6zbQ6nk8AC After you register you will receive a confirmation email containing all the information required to join the meeting. Register today at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMudeitrTojG9CRlxrXqC70bF6zbQ6nk8AC For detailed information about the D57 Fall Virtual Business Meeting  go here  

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        How we are not meeting this time

        District 57 Council Meeting Fall 2020

        Register for the 2020 Online Fall Business Meeting Here  After registering, you will receive an email confirmation containing information about joining the meeting. Credentials to log into the online Zoom meeting will be provided after your registration has been confirmed. Meeting Agenda: here Appointments Fall 2020:here Year end Audit Committee Report: here Proposal of New…

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