Larry J Miller

District Conference 2021: Preliminary Agenda and Call for Support

By Sharon Brown and Steve Mehlman SAVE THE DATE 2021 ANNUAL DISTRICT 57 SPRING CONFERENCE SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 Business Meeting 8-10 am; Conference 9:30-1:30 WHAT’S INCLUDED?  Business Meeting 8am-10am  The district is growing, realigning clubs and electing new leaders.  This meeting is for District Officers, voting Club Officers, and anyone that wants to learn…

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D57 Business Meeting

September 30, 2021 We need your help with the budget! Click here to register To Club Presidents, VPE’s, Area Directors and Division Directors. Please, please attend the District 57 fall business meeting on Sept 30 at 7pm Pacific. It’s very important that the club leadership joins us on September 30, as we review the budget. …

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