2018-2019 Incentives to Grow Your Club

Club officers! Earn $$ with our Open House, Club Growth and Program Quality Incentives. Earn awards for epic accomplishments and rewards for building and maintaining your club’s membership and delivering a fantastic program and experience to your members.

Running an open house is easier than riding a bike. Read our step-by-step guide to running an open house at your club


2016-2017 Incentives

Did you know that individual members and clubs can earn rewards for bringing new members into the Toastmasters family? (more…)

Volunteer Today

It takes a village of Toastmasters to plan and provide officer training and conferences, just like planning a special event at your home club.  The Conference Chairs and Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Dean work cooperatively with a team of committee chairs and their volunteers on:

  • Logistics
  • Registration
  • Leadership training
  • Education programs
  • Evaluations
  • Publicity
  • Hospitality
  • Room Management
  • Decorations (conference only)
  • Credentials for the District Council Meeting (conference only)
  • Pre- and post-conference celebrations (conference only)
  • Contests (conference only)
  • And much more!

You can start by volunteering for a Toastmasters District event with an hour or two, or joining the Conference team. No matter how much time you can commit, we would love to help you reach your personal improvement goals as you volunteer and contribute to others.

If you cannot see the form below, please click this link to be taken to the sign up form 


Club Coach Program

Have your Toastmasters meetings dwindled down to just 12 or fewer members? Are the meetings boring and the same five people leading? Have you considered a club coach? Yes? Then keep reading.

If your club have 13-19 members, read this other article, then come back here!  (more…)

Start A New Club

Starting a new Toastmasters club is a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful resources to help you get a club together, and get it up and running faster and better.

Have a lead on a potential new club? Email the Club Growth Director Linda Patten at linda@d57tm.org

Club Extension Chair contact Julie Garrett

Helpful Resources

Tips for Starting a New Toastmasters Club 

The following tips are adapted from a 2006 Toastmasters article posted by District 77 Toastmasters. If you have participated in the start of a new Toastmasters Club as a member of the Demonstration Meeting Team (Demo Team), or served as a New Club Sponsor or Mentor, most likely you have practiced some of the tips suggested.

1) Do Your Homework:

  • Identify Your Target: Are you planning for a community, corporate, advanced or other club? You will need at least 20 paid members (20 new members or a mix of 18 new Toastmasters and no more than 2 dual/transfer members) before submitting the application to organize.
  • Get a New Club Kit: Order a New Club Kit via the Toastmasters website OR download all forms and print them out from the New Club Submission Page.
  • Get More Help: Inform District 57 Club Growth Director (Ed@d57tm.org) that you would like to start a new Toastmasters Club. Use this Charter Member Application for easier submission. 

2) Make Your Game Plan:

  • Build a Team: Identify key motivated people willing to serve as sponsors and mentors, as both of these roles are critical to a new club’s eventual success. For example, anyone who is working towards their Advanced Leader Silver has “Sponsor a New Club or Mentor One” on their list of things to do to get that award, so ask them to be on your team! In addition, a sponsor can charter a new club as a project, and then mentor the new club to make sure they get off on the right foot.
  • Plan Your Demo Meeting: This is a specially-designed, abbreviated meeting that is presented before a group of prospective members, by one or more experienced Toastmasters. A Demo Meeting will include an overview of the organization, the benefits of membership, and how to start and operate a club (including information about fees).
  • Develop and Implement a Promotion Strategy: If the club is going to be an open community club, get the word out – use flyers, newspaper ads, social media and phone calls to let the community know about the Demo Meeting. For closed clubs, email is effective as well as corporate newsletters.

3) At the Demo Meeting:

  • Focus on What’s in it for Them: Don’t talk about features, talk about benefits! Features tell, but benefits sell. Emphasize why it is worthwhile to join Toastmasters. For example, the demo meeting speaker could tell a story about how Toastmasters gave them better communication and leadership skills that helped him/her in their career or in other areas of his/her life. Involve your demo team members, and get their testimonials about what Toastmasters has done for them. Keep it upbeat, positive, interactive and not too technical.
  • Take a Social Break: Allow some time (if available) for socializing to get guests talking and interacting with one another.
  • Plan the Next Steps: It’s a good idea to develop options for next steps in advance of the demo meeting. Make  provisions for the full range of possible outcomes (i.e. from slight interest to enthusiastic, “when-can we-start” commitment). Once commitment is confirmed by the attendees, be ready to suggest a suitable course of action. If fewer than 20 people sign up at the demo meeting, then you need to decide together whether to keep holding weekly demo meetings and get the word out to get more members.
  • Identify the Future Leaders: Gauge which of the attendees come across as likely leaders of the future club and enlist their involvement as soon as possible for positions of President, VP Education, VP Membership, etc.
  • Get a Financial Commitment ASAP: Solidify the commitment of prospective members by having a “starting point” budget and collecting some level of dues at the first meeting.
  • Respect their Time: Stay within the prescribed time limits of the meeting.

4) After The Demo Meeting

  • Follow Up: Keep your new-found goodwill with the group intact by honoring your commitments.
  • File the Paperwork ASAP: Make sure you have everything filled out properly, all the dues are in, that you have the correct number of members, and file that paperwork ASAP so the club can get their charter kit and the new club sponsors can get credit toward their Advanced Leader Silver.

Recent Educational & Leadership Awards in District 57

See what your fellow District 57 Toastmasters are achieving this year!

The scripts that pull together the data below are created and maintained by George Marshall. There are more Tools for Toastmasters at www.marshalls.org/tmtools. Questions? Contact George at gdmarshall@gmail.com.